Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Jewelry Designer Spotlight: Sarah Graham

I am constantly searching for interesting underground jewelry designers, as everything at Barney's tends to get insanely played out and unoriginal. Here I have found Sarah Graham. She launched her line back in 2000. She learned her metal smithing under a master goldsmith in Carmel, California and spent two years there as an unpaid apprentice! That is some serious dedication. She uses all oxidzed steel, cognac diamonds, and 18K gold. The way she mixes her materials is very industrial, modern, and dirty looking all while being crazy beautiful. Her pieces start at $1000... bummer, but it's clearly worth it. Here are some of my favorites.

X. Jewls

Alien meteor shower on my hand. Yes.

There is something so peaceful about this one.

Would loooove to stack a bunch of these on top of one another. 

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