Monday, March 8, 2010

Giambattista Valli Kills it at Paris Fashion Week

Alright... I am on the verge of weeping. I have never seen a collection that has literally almost knocked me dead. This is taking it to a whole new level. This just posted on I got home from work and opened up my computer and my jaw hit the floor. What I wouldn't give to own every one of these looks... Get ready cause it's a lot!!!

X. Jewls

Seriously?!?! If this was white, I would consider making it my wedding dress! Stunning!!

So original.

Align Center
Quite possibly my favorite. As if I could even chose.



The most perfect black dress ever created.

Ummm... what is going on? These belong on my face.

Adorable. Very Twiggy.

Also a favorite. I must own this.

Sexy Star Trek coat. Hahaha.

I literally cannot get enough.

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