Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fashion Journal Spotlight: Dossier

I adore this site and I adore this shoot of Daria at home in her loft in NYC. I have seen snaps from this shoot by photographer Cass Bird floating around for a while, but I had yet to locate all of them until now. Dossier's online journal is a total webazine, full on with a blog of their own, style section, looks, and editions. Hope you're all having a good Wednesday. My weekend starts.... NOW! Hoooray! Off to call Lize and have a long gossip session. ;)

X. Jewls

Loooove this. Love the lighting. Love the hair in the face. Love how Cass Bird left it dark. She's a genius.

This is me.

I have some insane draw to this pic. I don't know what it is. I feel like Vogue and Elle a lot of times do these "Mommy issues" or whatever where they have these new celeb mom's dressed in Givenchy ball gown slicing tomatoes and I'm like "Yeah right?!?! They'd be in American Apparel for that!!" But this photo is authentic. Daria seems genuine in the way she is hunched over in the dress and the hat. I just love it. 

No words. Too cute.

Love the grain in this shot.

Again, love the hair.

I want those pajamas. Now.

Looks oddly comfortable to me.,

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