Saturday, January 8, 2011

Item of the Day: Unearthen Crystal Prism Ring

I'm never one to say no to several rings on each hand... Jewls is the same way. The more, the better. I love mixing and matching more simple everyday rings with just one amazing standout statement piece.  The next must have one on my list is Unearthen's Crystal Prism Ring.  Although it's available in a larger version, I feel the smaller one is just perfect. After all, I have very small hands and I do not need to poke an eye out! Ha! How beautiful does it look once it's on though? The ring comes in a few styles: oxidized silver or rose gold with either black onyx or clear quartz. When I do decide to give in and make my purchase, I think I am going to have a really hard time choosing JUST one! XO, Liza

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