Oh Japan. They understand something that the rest of us don't. STRANGE, yet perfect construction. I don't know how they are so seemingly perfect at executing it every single time. Design wise. Editorial wise. Marketing wise. They kill it all the way around the spectrum! A bizarre and experimental silhouette has always been my natural inclination so Japanese designers are some of my favorites. This spread shot by David Vasiljevic caught my eye for obvious reasons. ;) Take a peep below.
X. Jewls
No words. I really have none. This dress is impeccable.
I love the hemline of the dress with this slouchy boot. It's a different take on an otherwise tired look. I like it. I also love that this shot is so overexposed. Genius.
So Roman looking with cuffs. This looks like a costume out of the movie Spartacus. Ha! I adore this outfit.
Dead on the floor. I need this piece to live. No, seriously.
I love everything about this.
Her stance is so perfect with this garment.
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