Hey guys!! I am baaaaaaaack. Oh my Lord. What a summer. I am so ready for fall. I can't stand it. My apologies for being MIA. I have been so busy between work, traveling, planning a wedding, and keeping some semblance of a social life... it's literally been nuts. All I have wanted to do is hole up in bed by myself and blog, blog, blog. Well, things have finally calmed down and my schedule is back to normal. I found this particular shoot ages ago and it has been collecting dust in my little blog archive folder and I've been dying to share it with you all.
The Teddy Girls were a group of women in Kensington (A district of West London), back in 1955 that basically went against the civil rights movement and dropped out of school at age 14, got jobs in factories, and spent the money they made on making clothes. They were known for their rolled up jeans, fitted tailored blazers, pencil skirts, and elegant clutches. Back then that was considered rebellious, which I obviously ADORE considering where fashion is now. I mean, look around us? Look at what women get away with these days? Look at what "sexiness" has become? Not to get carried away with that... but honestly! Anyway, I was incredibly inspired by this shoot, their story, and how they literally DEFIED what was socially acceptable in a sacrifice to make a fashion statement. It obviously played a huge role in what "50's era fashion" became. Who knew this little group of 14 year- olds could have such an impact on fashion history!!?! I LIIIIIVE FOR IT.
Photographer Ken Russell took photos of the original Teddy Girls back in 1955 which have since been exhibited in museums all over England. Earlier this year, Liz Ham photographed this shoot for Oyster Mag in honor of them, styled by Jolyon Mason. Hope you are all doing fabulous and enjoy my little Teddy Girls discovery as much as I have!!!
X. Jewls
Oyser Mag shoot in honor of the original Teddy Girls. I can't get enough of this photo.
The dead chicken on the ground. Wrung out for dinner. Definitely very 50's!!
Amazing. The end.
Ahhhh. In so many ways I wish I had lived back then!!!
I want everything that they are wearing. Their expressions are priceless and their hair is even better. This is a great shot.
Stunningly beautiful. The lighting is exquisite.
Hahhahhaha. This is so Lize and I.
This knitted romper is KILLER.
One of the original Teddy Girls shot in 1955 by Ken Russell.
The West London crew. So adorable. This was shot on an old bomb site. So dope! Ahhhh! Can you believe this clothing was considered rebellious?!?! CRAZY!
historyismadeatnight.blogspot, Trendland.net